Why should you get Professional Head Shots?

When I look through sites like Linked In and Ladders, I am amazed at how many "Professionals" and serious job seekers do not have a decent Head Shot.  You may love your dog or your cat but an iPhone snapshot of you and your pet in your pajamas is not sending a great message to future employers and possible business partners

As a photographer I know what a huge difference lighting and editing can make when it comes to making someone look their best. In a crazy and competitive job market, you need every advantage you can get over your competitors and job seekers.

Whether something as simple as a headshot should make a difference is not the question. The simple fact is that many employers are looking at applicants Linked In accounts and making a judgement call based on a simple thought. If someone is not willing to invest in their own job search and make an investment in something as small as $100 Head Shot, what kind of an employee will they be and how serious are they?

Career Cast says over 90% of HR folks report they are looking at multiple social media sources, including LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Those that don't have sharp, professional looking photos are unlikely to ever receive a call about the job they are applying for!
So how bad do you want that next job? How are you presenting yourself and your business to potential clients and customers? I would say that every professional in any field should have a professional head shot, at least one. 

Most people who come to Alexanders Studios think they will get one photo and it will be ok but before they leave they have already decided to get multiple photos and feel much better about themselves. Its amazing how much more a good head shot can be then just "another head shot".

Check out some of these head shots that I shot recently and see for yourself.

If your head shot isn't turning heads, you need a new head shot!


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